Sign Up for MRCGP Exam Prep

Pass the MRCGP AKT

The MRCGP AKT online revision course has been written by a group of GPs dedicated to helping VTS trainees to pass the AKT. The questions have been written using the updated RCGP curriculum and based on our actual experiences from sitting the exam. We believe that using this course is the best way to maximise your chances of success in the MRCGP AKT.

Our online course offers the following features:

  • Over 4400 MRCGP AKT questions with detailed explanations accompanying each answer.
  • Includes over 2200 'single best answer', over 1400 'extended matching' and over 400 'free text' questions.
  • In addition to the question banks, we also include over 120 'Key Topic Tutorials', which cover hot topics and recent common exam themes.
  • Authentic question style, written to mimic the actual questions that you will meet in the examination.
  • A database of high-quality questions that are constantly being updated and expanded.
  • Subject-specific question exams to enable practice in specific areas of weakness.
  • Timed mock examinations with the same question distribution as the actual AKT itself.
  • All areas of the curriculum covered: Clinical Medicine (80%), Critical Appraisal and Evidence-based Medicine (10%) and Ethical, Legal and Organisational (10%)
  • Continuous score analysis to track your revision progress.
  • Compatibility with mobile devices and browsers, including iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
  • Support throughout your revision from the MRCGP Exam Prep team.
  • All subscriptions also include a free eBook copy of our complete revision guide for the MRCGP exam.

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Still not sure? Why not try our sample SBA and EMQ questions?

What Doctors Are Saying

"This online revision resource is well researched and so is both challenging and appropriate for the MRCGP exam and a subscription to this website is a wise investment. Thank you to MRCGP for all the invaluable help in getting through this difficult exam. "
Dr Camilla Ducker, GP, London
"MRCGP Exam Prep is an excellent resource for those sitting the MRCGP exam. There is an extensive range and number of practice questions, including timed mock examinations and you can very helpfully track your revision progress. It is also great value for money! "
Dr Sara Al-Atassi, Salaried GP, Surrey
"This is a comprehensive, one-stop platform for online MRCGP examination revision. There are a wide range of up-to-date, carefully written questions based on RCGP curriculum that are relevant to the MRCGP examination. It is great value for money and is definitely worth signing up for. "
Dr. Yiyang Ng, GP/Medical Educator, Greater London